Negotia Business Valuations

Accurate, Legal, and Binding Valuations for Business Assets.

As a business owner, you understand the importance of accurately valuing your assets. Whether you want to sell your business, refinance your loans, or buy out a partner, you must ensure that your valuation is legally binding and based on solid principles and real market evidence.That’s where Negotia Business Valuations come in. Our team of Registered Business Valuers have extensive experience in providing accurate and reliable valuations that meet legal requirements and industry standards.

Why Choose Negotia Business Valuations?

  • Accuracy: Our valuations are based on in-depth research, analysis, and industry expertise, ensuring that you get a reliable estimate of your business’s value.
  • Legality: Our valuations comply with legal requirements and can be used in court or other legal proceedings, providing you with peace of mind and a strong legal foundation.
  • Expertise: Our Registered Business Valuers have extensive experience in the industry and stay up to date with the latest regulations and best practices, ensuring that you receive the highest level of expertise and professionalism.

Our Services

  • Business Valuations: We provide accurate and legally binding valuations for your business asset.
  • Fair Value Opinions: We offer unbiased opinions on the fair market value of your business assets based on current evidence and trends and we apply industry-leading standards.
  • Consulting Services: Our team of experts are available to provide consulting services and advice on various business valuation and M&A issues.

Contact Us

Knowledge, skill, and experience are key professional attributes needed to select the right approach and method to apply to the work.

We have seen many instances where unrecognized methods are used, often resulting in a fabricated, completely misleading results costing business owners tens of thousands of dollars.

Business Valuation Reports that are going to be relied upon for important legal and commercial decisions, particularly those decisions that will impact your financial position or incur financial liability need careful consideration.


For Quick Contact
Fill in details here and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Alternatively you can call us on 1300 551 757.

Kevin Lovewell
M: 0401 308 385
P: 1300 551 757
E: Click here to contact Kevin Lovewell
Member & Registered Business Valuer
Australian Institute of Business Brokers

Jessica Holbrook
P: 1300 551 757
E: Click here to contact Negotia Group
Business Analyst


Business Evaluation.

Business Valuation. Business Valuator.

Business Valuers. Enterprise value ebitda. ebitda to enterprise value. Valuing a company. Business evaluation services. Commercial valuation. Company valuers. Business valuation companies. Business valuation service. Registered valuer. Independent business valuation.